Maribor to Ljubljana: train timetables and prices
Train timetables and prices are always useful. Ljubljana and Maribor are the two largest Slovenian cities with decent connectivity. The timetable below highlights direct trains only. There are however plenty of other trains available but in this case passengers traveling to Ljubljana need to change at the Zidani Most or Celje train stations. Maribor to Ljubljana Train timetable | Departure time | Arrival time | Single ticket price 2nd class | Train codes and information | 03.40am 04.20am 04.40am 05.45am 06.50am 07.45am 11.46am 00.45pm 03.45pm 04.50pm 07.45pm | 06.06am 06.56am 07.13am 07.38am 09.23am 09.37am 02.06pm 03.47pm 05.38pm 07.38pm 09.38pm | €8.51 €8.51 €8.51 €14.37 €10.11 €14.37 €10.11 €14.37 €14.37 €14.37 €14.37 | RG605 LP2001 RG607 ICS11 (reservation) IC503 ICS13 (reservation) EC151 ICS17 (reservation) ICS19 ICS21 (reservation) ICS32 (reservation) | Please check for any changes in the timetable and the latest ticket prices before departure: Timetable valid until December 2011 Ljubljana to Maribor Train timetable | Departure time | Arrival time | Single ticket price 2nd class | Train codes and information | 05.45am 08.05am 10.50am 00.12pm 00.35pm 00.50pm 01.45pm 01.50pm 03.12pm 04.00pm 04.50pm 05.23pm 07.45pm 08.50pm 10.25pm | 07.36am 09.53am 13.31pm 02.05pm 03.02pm 03.41pm 04.14pm 04.33pm 05.05pm 06.14pm 06.43pm 07.52pm 09.38pm 11.27pm 01.09am | €14.37 €14.37 €8.51 €14.37 €10.11 €8.51 €8.51 €8.51 €14.37 €10.11 €14.37 €10.11 €14.37 €8.51 €8.51 | ICS12 (reservation) ICS14 (reservation) LP2265 ICS18 IC506 LP5000 RG644 LP 2008 ICS20 (reservation) EC150 ICS22 (reservation) IC502 ICS26 (reservation) LP2002 RG604 | Please check for any changes in the timetable and the latest ticket prices before departure: Timetable valid until December 2011 Codes: ICS Pendolino tilting train (reservation required, surcharge for intercity train) IC Intercity trains (surcharge for intercity trains) EC Eurocity trains (surcharge for Eurocity trains) LP Local trains (no surcharge but most are modern and superb Siemens trains) RG Regional trains (no surcharge) Return back home |